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The students recorded “This Is Amazing Grace” and did a great job!
Listen or watch below and download the mp3 if you like!

Welcome to the resource page for Woodland Christian’s Middle School Student Worship Team.
We are so glad your student is in the group!

This page is the launch point for the many resources we will continue to make available to you. It is such a blessing to have the privilege of working with your talented student; our heart is that the kids’ involvement on this team will encourage them, help them develop their skills, and help them grow in their faith! If you have any questions, please email me at PeterNeumannMusic@gmail.com or call/text my mobile phone at 530-207-9875.
-Peter Neumann

We’ve put together some recordings and music charts that your student can access and rehearse along with in advance. This will help them greatly because the time we have during the week is so limited. Those are available at our online hub called Planning Center and this tutorial will quickly show you how to access the mp3s and charts:

How To Access Files on Planning Center
Here’s the link to: Planning Center Online

Login: PeterNeumannMusic@gmail.com
Password: worshipteam

Tutorial videos for various instruments (voice, drums, etc.) to help in your student's development; click on an icon to view that instrument's page. We'll be adding videos throughout the weeks, so keep checking back!



Bass Guitar


Acoustic Guitar

Electric Guitar